Our STA TripCARE focuses on operating educational tours with authentic experiences based on safety and viability. The safety and wellness of every traveler is always the primary concern for every trip. Additionally, we analyze the viability of the destination/itinerary/sites and review current state policies and requirements based on the location of the group. With potential changing weather, illnesses on tour, etc., the following general protocols and procedures of our STA TripCARE travel system will be helpful to prepare travelers for their upcoming tour.


1. TripCARE Protocols
2. How to prepare for travel
3. What to expect on tour
4. COVID testing/quarantine procedures
5. FAQs




Most venues are not requiring masks be worn indoors however travelers should be prepared in case it is required

We highly encourage all travelers to be fully vaccinated before travel, but this is not a requirement

We highly encourage each participant to have a COVID test (with negative results) within 48 hours before departure

All STA team members follow our TripCARE initiatives

Some venues may have vaccination and/or testing requirements. STA will provide updated information based on your destination and itinerary.




Travelers should limit activities involving large social gatherings and being in crowds ahead of the departure date

People who are sick, have recently tested positive for COVID-19, (whether symptomatic or not) or have been exposed to a person with COVID-19 or any flu like illness should not travel/participate on the tour

Avoid contact with anyone who is sick and avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth

Alert your group leader if you have any flu like symptoms, or any illness, prior to your departure date

All participants should follow “return from travel” state guidelines after their trip including any testing, quarantine procedures if feeling ill




Airlines/airports no longer require travelers to wear a face covering

In general, most public transportations are not requiring passengers to wear masks on metros and subways, however we recommend travelers have masks available in case things change

Some venues may require proof of vaccination or a negative COVID test, STA will communicate any venues that have this requirement

All STA hotels follow enhanced cleaning procedures. (Hilton, Marriott)

Nighttime security follows COVID protocols and testing procedures

Most restaurants will have procedures for groups to follow.

Your group leader may have additional protocols on tour, such as temperature checks

Itineraries will build in more time for each stop/venue/activity





What will flying be like?

Air travel is quite normal now. Travelers may be required to wear a face covering. Most airlines only provide a very small snack and beverage during the flight.

What will it be like staying at the hotel?

All of our hotel partners follow enhanced protocols and know how to work with our groups. STA staff facilitates the check-in process for enhanced safety and security.

Will we have to wear masks?

The majority of indoor venues no longer require face coverings, but it is still a possibility. STA will communicate current site information and guidelines to your group leader.

How do we know if there are vaccination requirements?

Venues may require visitors to be fully vaccinated and/or receive a negative COVID test prior to touring. You may be asked to give an updated status on vaccination or COVID testing prior to travel. Please carefully complete the medical release form so your group leader has updated information.

What if we decide not to travel with our group?

Individual cancellations follow our general terms and conditions. Travelers enrolled in the PPP will receive a full refund minus the PPP fee should they decide to cancel. Travelers who did not select enrollment in the PPP follow standard cancellation guidelines. (Except for groups with previous cancel options.)

What if our group reschedules or cancels the trip?

In the event the Group Leader or other entity associated with the Group Leader chooses to change the departure date, the standard cancellation charges remain effective for the original departure date. Cancellation of a tour is subject to standard cancellation charges.

What if some sites are not available when we travel?

It is not uncommon to have some sites/venues unavailable during a tour for various reasons including remodeling, etc. Currently, we anticipate most sites/venues to be open with health & wellness guidelines for visitors to follow. Should a site be closed we may alternate activities/destination. Please note refunds are not available due to the unavailability of a site.

What if the Group requires all travelers to be vaccinated?

Some groups may require all travelers to be vaccinated prior to travel. These decisions are at the sole discretion of the Group Leader or district. Should you decide not to travel with a group based on a vaccination requirement, such a decision shall be considered a cancellation by you for which our normal cancellation charges will apply.




COVID-19 may truly never leave our lives, but we can start referring to the pandemic in past tense terms when it comes to group travel.  This video offers insight to how we handled the global pandemic during and still continue to operate in the highest care possible. The safety and well-being for our travelers is and will continue to be our highest priority.